We make optimal health simple. 
Professionals with Chronic Low Back Pain:
This Integrative Process Heals Chronic Low Back Pain Condition Naturally, Enhances Fitness, Energy and Productivity
Advanced comprehensive methodology solves the root-causes of chronic low back pain, low energy with simple, non-invasive customized solutions.

NOW is exactly the right time for more virtual health care professionals

As a Busy Professional, your Health and Energy is your Most Valuable Asset. 

Your energy is the fuel of your creativity. It is the foundation of clarity to make intelligent decisions. It gives you the fortitude to push through challenges with grace, grit, and humor. 

Protecting and nurturing this asset, is one of the most important, high-value investments you can make. 

And yet…

One survey says that 67% of busy professionals suffer from debilitating chronic low back pain. They are running on band-aid fix pain killers, pain management procedures, forever fighting an uphill battle with toxic side effects, or face the possibility of getting back surgery that can only lead to more complications, pain and irreversible life-long disability.

I know because I’ve been there... 
Meet Dr. Jinhee Park MD
Founder of Epic Integrative Health
Graduate of Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine Fellowship

How I Went From Suffering from Crippling Chronic Low Back, Exhausted and Burnt Out to Limitless Energy and Peak Performance

Hi, I’m Dr. Jinhee Park. 

Several years ago, I was a medical resident working in a big hospital labor and delivery floor helping women deliver their babies. I loved the work, but I found myself working longer and longer hours, pushing myself harder and harder and even lifting up the bodies of obese pregnant women to help move them from one bed to the delivery rooms.  As a result, I severely injured my lower back and started experiencing debilitating low back pain with involuntary muscle spasms at random times…

I could not properly stand up and walk, I could not sit in one position for more than a few minutes, as every jolting movement would trigger a painful back spasm.  I had less and less energy for life.  I often had to stop everything and lie down on the ground for half an hour until the back muscle spasms would stop.  Everything started feeling heavy.  I slowly stopped working out and putting on pounds. I began eating easy, fast, comfort foods. My relationships deteriorated, leaving me emotionally isolated and drained.  Eventually, even my work performance began to suffer.

Then one day…

I looked in the mirror and hardly recognized myself 

Flabby gut. Bags under my eyes. Even my skin didn’t look right. And here I am, a doctor. It was beyond embarrassing.

I needed outside help.  One day, I had a serious pain attack and collapse on the floor and was wheeled into the emergency room.  The ER doctor put me on prescription pain meds that didn't help at all and just gave me side effects such as feeling groggy and ultimately made the situation worse.  I was still in pain so I went to see an orthopedic specialist for an MRI of my spine.  It revealed that I had a herniated disc and severe degenerative disc disease at L4-L5.  He told me if I didn't get better after 4-6weeks of conservative treatment with pain killers that I may have to go for steroid injections or back surgery.  I dreaded the S ("surgery') word since I have heard all the horror stories of people getting only temporary relief but then getting worse pain or even nerve damage after getting back surgery.  Many people had to go back for multiple revision surgeries that ultimately failed and led to permanent disability.  

I was determined to do whatever it took to avoid getting back surgery and seek natural healing and full recovery utilizing non-invasive treatments that addressed the underlying cause, not just cover up the pain symptoms with toxic band-aid treatments. 

Then I went to a massage therapist. It wasn’t much better.  The massage only instigated more involuntary muscle spasms. 

So I started listening to podcasts and buying whatever product the latest “health expert” promoted.

Nothing. I still felt painful back spasms, unproductive, and unhealthy. 

What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I fix this? Why didn’t the “expert” advice work? Here I was, a doctor, helping other people with their health and I couldn’t even help myself. 

I felt like a fraud. 

That’s when something inside me snapped. 

I had to figure this out. There was no other option. I had to get my life back. 

I spent thousands of hours combing through research. I called dozens of leading experts on chronic low back pain such as Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors, nutritionists, mind-body medicine experts, herbalists, yoga teachers, etc.  I even completed the world's best Fellowship training at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine.

Slowly, a picture began to emerge. I saw connections between dots in wildly different fields. Each expert had a piece of the puzzle, but none of them had the BIG picture. 

None of them saw how the pieces fit together.

Connecting The Dots With Advanced Tech and Custom Solutions

Your chronic low back pain more than your musculoskeletal system.  It’s more than a mechanical problem.  It’s more than your structural alignment issue. 

These are all elements of a complex bio-system. But nobody treats it that way. Everyone has blinders one, just looking at their favorite aspect.

That’s why none of the “experts” I saw could help me. 

The problem was that this approach would require advanced diagnostics, testing, and hyper-targeted solutions. 

I searched everywhere but couldn’t find it… So I decided to make it myself. 

Dr. Isaac Jones
7-Figure Virtual Practice Coach
I’ve built a 7-figure, virtual practice that gave me the lifestyle of my dreams. I teach doctors and health experts how to generate 6-7 figures per year in sales with a virtual practice. 
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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
February 17th, 2020
at 8pm EST
Dr. Isaac Jones
7-Figure Virtual Practice Coach
I’ve built a 7-figure, virtual practice that gave me the lifestyle of my dreams. I teach doctors and health experts how to generate 6-7 figures per year in sales with a virtual practice. 
So What Is This Proven Process? 
I’ve now used this process clinically to help 100’s of business professionals just like you to transform their energy, body and overall health...
So What Is This Proven Process? 
I’ve now used this process clinically to help 100’s of business professionals just like you to transform their energy, body and overall health...

A Bio-Systems Approach for full recovery from Chronic Low Back Pain leading to Active Lifestyle with Elevated Energy and Radiant Vitality

I created a proprietary process that collects real data on multiple body and cellular system failures that cause fatigue, low energy, weight gain, and brain fog. 

This allowed me to take a scientific customized approach specific to what my body needed. 

When I finally tried it out on myself….

I was blown away by the results. 

Within just a few weeks, I had more energy than I’d had in years. My body responded and the love-handles melted away almost by themselves.. 
My mind became sharper, more focused, and my productivity skyrocketed. 
What’s more is my relationships are better, I’m happier and I truly believe this has added another 20-30 years to my life.  

I knew I couldn’t keep this to myself. So I began sharing my Elevated Energy Process with others. 

And the results have been nothing short of life-changing. 

Clinically Proven to rapidly transform energy levels and overall health
by 100’s of business professionals 
Clinically Proven to rapidly transform energy levels and overall health
by 100’s of business professionals 

Clinically Proven to rapidly transform energy levels and overall health by 100’s of business professionals 

I was close to burnout. I wasn’t sleeping well, my energy levels were low. It affected both my personal and business life. Now that my brain fog is gone, I can create in my business with excellence. I’m excited to wake up again and I have all-day-energy. This was one of the best investments of my time and resources that I’ve ever made”


 I was feeling burnt out. I did their executive health panel and the results were mind blowing. The tests uncovered blind spots that I know could have become more serious issues down the road. Within 2 months energy, mental clarity and productivity dramatically increased."


I’ve done other programs without sustainable results. What’s different is that the “elevate process” has created long-term sustainable results. The symptoms I was dealing with subsided and I accessed the highest level of performance I’ve been at in years. Most importantly, I feel more healthy and radiant than ever. "


The Elevated Energy Process

Step 1: Discover

With advanced diagnostics, we identify exactly what’s broken and what to improve

Step 2: Elevate

We develop a customized strategy to your body to upgrade your health and vitality.

Step 3: Energized

Advanced nutrition and lifestyle guidance to help you sustain amazing health and energy for life.

Finally, a proven research backed and holistically integrated approach that gets long-term sustainable health results!
Finally, a proven research backed and holistically integrated approach that gets long-term sustainable health results!
Here's How It Works:


  • Identify and eliminate environmental- and bio-toxins lurking in your body and sabotaging your energy - these toxins are linked to dozens of diseases and are silent killers.
  • ​Advanced diagnostics to pin-point hidden intracellular micronutrient deficiencies dragging down your performance - just one deficiency can create brain fog, weight loss resistance and chronic fatigue.


  • Get customized, hyper-targeted nutritional and supplement strategies for your unique body for rapid transformation and breakthrough results.
  • ​Cutting edge biohacking techniques to repair your compromised organ systems (this is the secret sauce 99% of health professionals miss.)


  • Develop customized lifestyle solutions for your unique body specifically designed to enhance energy at the cellular level
  • ​Longevity planning and integrated health practices to ensure a long, vibrant life at your peak performance

Get Your Energy Elevation Process Consultation Today! 

With your Energy Elevation Process Consultation we get to the core of what has been holding your body back and stifling your energy.

Get Your Energy Elevation Process Consultation Today! 

With your Energy Elevation Process Consultation we get to the core of what has been holding your body back and stifling your energy.

Here’s What Get with Your Consultation:

  • Comprehensive Energy Evaluation to uncover blindspots and the underlying causes of your issues.
  • ​45 minutes with me or one of my certified Elevate Energy Specialists who will “read between biological lines” and create a customized plan of action for your health goals. 
  • ​Identify #1 action you need to take to get your energy back now, how to implement it, and supporting practices you can use to accelerate your results.
  • Access to the most cutting-edge, “cause based” functional lab tests for you, that reveal the specific “red flags” that are blocking your performance. 


The Elevate Energy Process is not for everybody!

This is an extremely potent methodology and can completely transform your life. But it requires commitment. You have to follow through with the recommendations and strategies we give you to get results.

My reputation depends on your results so I will only work with individuals who are truly committed to their health.

That’s why I focus on specific issues for business professionals and the unique set of challenges they deal with. 

If You Are a Business Professional Who: 

  • Experiences Fatigue, exhaustion, or brain fog and want to 3-10X your energy. 
  • ​Is Frustrated with stubborn weight gain and wants to turn your body into a fat burning machine with a lean, toned physique.
  • ​Wants to make a serious upgrade in brain health, clarity of thought, and overall mood.
  • ​Struggles with low productivity and work performance and want to increase your capacity to get more done in less time. 
  • ​Is excited to elevate overall health, longevity and happiness in life and create a foundation for a long, vibrant life.

Your Investment in All-Day Energy and Higher Performance:

How much is a higher level of performance worth? If you doubled your productivity, what would that do to your income in the next quarter? 

Now take that number and extend it over the course of a year. Now 3 years. Now 5 years. 

What kind of a return will your higher energy levels give you over the course of the next decade? 

What kind of life would you be able to live? How would your relationships change if you weren’t exhausted at the end of the day? How would your quality of life change?

Your energy is your most valuable asset. Nurturing and protecting it is one of the best investments you can possibly make.


You can get full access to my complete toolkit, the advanced diagnostics and strategies, along with customized solutions for your body…

All for less than you would spend on lunch at Chipotle in a couple weeks. 

Your Energy Elevation Consultation:

Normally $497 

Get it Today For Only $197 


Because of the unique, individualized approach space is limited for these high-value consultations. 
We turn this page off once we reach capacity. If you are seeing this page, then you still have an opportunity to claim a spot before we fill up again. 

Just click the button below to reserve your spot today and begin your journey to limitless energy and higher performance.
Protected By My No-Hassle 100% Money Back Guarantee 
 I know what it’s like to feel jaded from the empty promises of health professionals. That’s what got me here in the first place. I tried everything out there and I am so confident this system works, I am willing to take on all of the risk for you.

 If for any reason you don’t think this consultation was valuable, if it didn’t give you what you were looking for, then simply ask for your money back and I will issue a prompt refund. No questions askedYou’ve got nothing to lose by signing up now. 
Protected By My No-Hassle 100% Money Back Guarantee 
 I know what it’s like to feel jaded from the empty promises of health professionals. That’s what got me here in the first place. I tried everything out there and I am so confident this system works, I am willing to take on all of the risk for you.

 If for any reason you don’t think this consultation was valuable, if it didn’t give you what you were looking for, then simply ask for your money back and I will issue a prompt refund. No questions askedYou’ve got nothing to lose by signing up now. 

Imagine the Possibilities

Imagine you could finally understand the underlying issues associated with your health and energy problems. 

Envision a healthier, energized and productive version of you. 

Imagine being able to stop emotionally and financially devastating diseases before they take root..

Imagine the confidence and security that comes with a clear plan of action to holistically address the underlying cause once and for all.

We believe this could be one of the best investments of your life. 

You are going to get what the medical and insurance system simply can’t deliver by ignoring this personalized comprehensive approach you deserve. 

You Are At a Crossroads: 
What will you choose?
You Are At a Crossroads: 
What will you choose?

This is Your Opportunity. 
This is Your Crossroads. 

You can stay on the path you are on and keep doing what you’ve always done. You can keep struggling and hoping and trying whatever products are put in front of you and hope that eventually one of the me works. 

You can choose, like many do, to believe, “It’s not that bad…” and ignore the future professional and health challenges you create for yourself. 

Or you can take action NOW.

You can sign up for your Energy Elevation Consultation today and watch your future change before your eyes. 

You can choose to take decisive action. You can choose to avoid the insidious, draining negative effects on your health. You can choose and take your energy, your performance, life to the next level TODAY.

The question is… 

Do you believe you are worth it? 

Click the button below to take your next step to transform your energy and health today:

To Elevating Energy, 

Dr. Isaac Jones

P.S. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by investing in transformational, personalized health consultation. This represents my life’s work and integrates the most cutting edge health tech and methodologies available. That’s why we are able to get such astonishing results for our clients. 

But remember, if you’re not satisfied with what you get, you can always get your money back with our no-hassle money-back guarantee. But be sure to act quick, as soon as we are at capacity, we close this offer until a new slot opens up.

​This is a FREE Webclass.

There Are No Costs, But Time Is Very Limited. 

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